The following courses have been approved for the 2023 Summer Term | Summer Sessions:

Summer Term

May 15 to August 4, 2023 (12 weeks) Registration Now through May 12, 2023

Last Day to Add/Drop — May 17, 2023 | Last Day to Withdraw — July 20, 2023

Summer Session I

May 15 to June 23, 2023 (6 weeks) Registration Now through May 12, 2023

Last Day to Add/Drop — May 17, 2023 | Last Day to Withdraw — June 14, 2023

Summer Session II

June 26 to August 4, 2023 (6 weeks) Registration Now through June 23, 2023

Last Day to Add/Drop — June 28, 2023 | Last Day to Withdraw — July 22, 2023

Summer Session III

June 5 to July 30, 2023 (9 weeks) Registration Now through June 7, 2023 

Last Day to Add/Drop — June 7, 2023 | Last Day to Withdraw — July 14, 2023

2023 Summer ONLINE Course Costs = $360 per credit hour

ALL West Virginia high school students receive a reduced, $100 per course.

Contact the Admissions Office @ (800) 263-1549 or 304.457.6256 for more information.

Full Summer Session  |  May 15 to August 4, 2023 (12 weeks) Registration Day – May 12, 2023

Syn.SectionCourse TitleCredit HoursInstructorSchedule
23231BUSI-160-99Introduction to Management3SatzerONLINE
23232BUSI-485-99Business Internship3SatzerONLINE
23227ENGL-225-99Ethnic Literature in the US3RodimtsevaONLINE
23279EXSC-450-99Field Experience in Exercise Science3BoehkeONLINE
23228HIST-255-99History of Medicine in the Western World3KlausONLINE
23229POLS-200-99American National Government3BucklewONLINE
23246PSYC-190-99General Psychology3SiskONLINE
23230PSYC-220-99Human Development3SiskONLINE
23281PSYC-485-99Internship in Psychology3SiskONLINE
23260SPMT-101-99Introduction to Sport Management3BakerONLINE
23261SPMT-130-99Budget & Finance of Sport Management3BakerONLINE
23262SPMT-150-99Technology in Sport Management3BakerONLINE
23264SPMT-215-99Social Media & PR in Sport3BakerONLINE

Summer Session I  |  May 15 to June 23, 2023 (6 weeks) Registration Day – May 12, 2023

Syn.SectionCourse TitleCredit HoursInstructorSchedule
23248BIOL-210-99General Biology I4GrassiONLINE
23249BIOL-270-99Anatomy & Physiology I4GrassiONLINE
23247COMM-140-99Principles of Communication3STAFFONLINE
23265DEVL-011-99Developmental Math3AndersonONLINE
23224ENGL-190-99Freshman Composition3McKinney, K.ONLINE
23243MDIA-135-99Digital Photography3OwstonONLINE
23250PHYS-211-99Introduction to Physics4WoiciechowskiONLINE
23251PHYS-221-99General Physics I4WoiciechowskiONLINE

Summer Session II  |  June 26 to August 4, 2023 (6 weeks) Registration Day – June 23, 2023

Syn.SectionCourse TitleCredit HoursInstructorSchedule
23252BIOL-211-99General Biology II4GrassiONLINE
23253BIOL-271-99Anatomy & Physiology II4GrassiONLINE
23225ENGL-200-99Advanced Composition3RodimtsevaONLINE
23267MATH-113-99College Algebra3AndersonONLINE
23263MATH-351-99Probability Theory3WoiciechowskiONLINE
23254PHYS-222-99General Physics II4WoiciechowskiONLINE
23226PSYC-315-99Introduction to Sports Psychology3SiskONLINE

Summer Session III  |  June 5 to July 30, 2023 (8 weeks) Registration Day – June 23, 2023

Course SectionCourse TitleCredit HoursInstructorSchedule
COMM 210Health Care Communications3TBDONLINE
RELG 285Spirituality & Health Care3TBDONLINE