The University seeks to give students opportunities for participation and leadership in campus organizations, interest groups, professional societies, and organized activities. Campus organizations are open to all current students. Interested students can contact the Office of Student Affairs at [email protected] for further information.

Social Organizations

A.C.E. Self Defense – A.C.E. Self Defense’s purpose is to enhance one’s self-defense capabilities. To increase situational awareness, leadership training, building self-confidence, making new friends, and aiding in student retention.

Black Student Union (BSU) – The Black Student Union is an organization open to people of all races. We promote the awareness and unity of African American culture. We pledge to supply insight into the Black experience to all races as well as strive to unite Black students. We want to strengthen the Black image on campus and in the town of Philippi. By promoting community service and stressing academic excellence, the Black Student Union will develop students into active leaders.

Campus Activities Board (CAB) – The mission of CAB is to provide AB with cultural, social, and educational programs that are responsive to the diverse needs of the campus community.

Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) – The purpose of GSA is to foster a better sense of community among all students and educate them about the LGBTQ+ community. The GSA strives to create an environment where LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff can be open and feel safe to be themselves.

International Student Organization (ISO) – The goal of ISO is to establish a community where international students can support one another, learn from their different cultural backgrounds and experiences, and share their global diversity with the rest of the campus community.

Outdoor Club – promotes fellowship, healthy outdoor activities, environmental awareness and stewardship, and the establishment of lifelong habits of healthy active living for students, faculty, and staff.

Sexual Assult Peer Representative (SAPR) – is a student organization that strives to help members of the campus community feel safe through education and support. Members work to educate the community about sexual misconduct and violence, direct victims to resources and support systems, and advocate for those who request it.

Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) – is made up of student-athletes assembled to provide insight into the student-athlete experience. The SAAC also offers input on the rules, regulations, and policies that affect student-athletes’ lives on NCAA member institution campuses.

Student Government Association (SGA) – SGA is a student-led governing body with the goal to promote the participation of students in all areas of University life and to achieve a high degree of cooperation among members of the University community. SGA is the voice of all students and is made up of student representatives elected yearly, with the mission to facilitate a great student experience while at AB.

Academic Organizations

Alpha Beta Nu (Student Nurse Association) – An organization to bring Alderson Broaddus nursing students together to provide support, education, and to bring the name of AB nursing to the community through promoting and improving the health of all.

The American Academy of Physician Assistants (Hu C. Myers Society) – is the student physician assistant professional organization and membership is open to all physician assistant students.

The Battler Columns – is the official, student-published, award-winning campus newspaper. It is a member of the American Scholastic Press Association and publishes regularly to keep the campus community informed. The paper prints ad copy from local and national businesses, letters to the editor, and nationally syndicated news from a news service (McClatchey- Tribune). Any student may join the staff as either a work-study, for academic credit, or volunteer.

Criminal Justice Interest Club – provides students with educational and networking opportunities in the academic, criminal justice, and law enforcement communities.

Enactus – is a campus chapter of the international organization that engages the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders to use innovation and business principles to improve the world. All AB students are invited to join and participate in the AB Enactus Chapter.

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) – is a campus chapter of the honor society for educators. It strives to educate, support, and inspire future educators.

Natural Resources Club – provides extracurricular learning experiences for students of ecology, natural resource management, and environmental science. Students spend their time learning about the woods, waters, and wildlife of West Virginia and beyond through hands-on activities such as water monitoring and wildlife habitat enhancement. Members have opportunities to meet with natural resource professionals and attend professional conferences. Everyone who cares about natural resource conservation and management is welcome!

The Student Psychology Association – is a general interest psychology organization in conjunction with Psi Chi whose members have an interest in psychology as a hobby or career, and serves to provide members with both educational and social experiences; to increase interest in the field of psychology; and to encourage, stimulate, and maintain scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly psychology and social interaction.

Religious Life and Fellowship

Although the University is affiliated with the American Baptist Church, AB’s religious programming is nonsectarian and students of all faiths can find opportunities for worship, fellowship, and religious activities and service opportunities.

All students are welcome to participate in the weekly chapel service on Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. in Wilcox Chapel. Chapel is voluntary and is actively supported by faculty, staff, and students. The University also encourages students to become actively involved in local churches.

The top level of Wilcox Chapel also provides a quiet place for prayer and meditation.

Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) – provides opportunities for worship and fellowship through service and ministry, guides students in Christian growth and discipleship, and involvement in responsible church membership.

Service Organizations

AB is also proud to be a member of the West Virginia Campus Compact. Campus Compact is a national coalition of more than 1,100 College and University Presidents—representing some 6 million students— who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education.

Service is a core component of the University’s mission and one of five Institutional Student Learning Objectives. Student organizations regularly participate in service activities in the community.

AB Cleanup Crew – is dedicated to volunteering time to beautify the AB campus and our surrounding community. The AB Cleanup Crew is open to all students, faculty, and staff.

The AB Mission Team – seeks to provide opportunities to engage students in cross-cultural missions. Past mission trips have sent students, faculty, and staff to Nicaragua, Camden, N.J., and disaster sites in West Virginia.

Greek-Letter Organizations

Alderson Broaddus University is home to local Greek-letter organizations.  Greek-letter organizations are governed by the All Greek Council.

All Greek Council – provides leadership to the Greek community, establishes effective and worthwhile relationships among the fraternities and sororities, plans and supports activities, and developes the Greek-letter community. All Greek Council membership consists of two representatives from each  organization, and advised by the Office of Student Affairs.

Epsilon Tau Eta Sigma Fraternity – is a social and academic leadership fraternity that’s purpose is to promote friendship and to encourage the principles of cooperation and companionship among the members and the college community. The organization works to provide a social and religious atmosphere on campus, which will be fostered by the members, promoted by the students, and encouraged by the faculty and staff.

Lambda Omega Mu (“The Minks”) – is a fraternity that strives to promote the acceptance and any imagination of quality through the discretion of ideas, as well as promote the fellowship among the brothers of the fraternity as they seek to serve their communities by means of imaginative acceptance and qualitative compliance within other brothers.

Lambda Sigma Phi Sorority – is a Greek academic organization and the purpose is to promote friendship, to encourage association among various majors and to establish a group to participate in campus functions, to promote social activities for the whole campus community as well as among the members, to promote scholarship among members by emphasizing academics as a top priority, and to show interest in the University and community by performing at least two service projects each semester.

Phi Kappa Delta Sorority – seeks to create through service, a sense of responsibility, encourages academic achievement, provide an opportunity for leadership, promote an integrated fellowship, and stimulate social activities on campus.

Sigma Delta Nu (“The Delphics”) – provides social activities for its brothers and organized service projects to the campus and the surrounding community. The brothers volunteer and raise money for the American Legion throughout the year.

Zeta Eta Theta – is a sorority striving to grow Greek Life with unique and smart young women, to form a sisterhood of a lifetime, and to extend a helping hand to the community and campus. One of the main goals is to unite women to be a part of an organization focused on growing, learning, and sisterhood.