Welcome to Alderson Broaddus University!

During your time at Alderson Broaddus, you will have an array of opportunities for academic achievement and exploration both in and out of the classroom. During your time at AB, there will be endless opportunities that include high-quality academic majors and minors, experiential learning and internships, the chance to study abroad, service-learning participation, and other meaningful educational experiences.

Throughout your journey, you will be supported by dedicated faculty and staff. You will be assigned an academic advisor who will guide you in your degree path and help to clarify your educational and personal goals. All students have access to support from the Academic Center for Educational Success (ACES), which provides skill development and tutoring assistance. The Office of Career Services offers students the resources needed to enter internships or the workforce, as well as job and graduate school fairs. Finally, our Honors Program provides exciting academic experiences for our highly motivated students.

Your education at Alderson Broaddus University will be guided by our focus on our Institutional Student Learning Outcomes. You will acquire essential knowledge and skills in Communication, Critical Thinking, Civic Engagement, Diversity, and Ethics. These foundational abilities will prepare you to fulfill the mission of AB by becoming well-rounded and responsible citizens who are equipped to be successful in your chosen field.

Again, welcome to the AB family. If I can be of any assistant to you, please feel free to visit my office on the fourth floor of Burbick Hall.

Andrea Bucklew



Andrea J. Bucklew
Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.