The mission of the Academic Resource Center (ARC) is to support our students and help them reach their goals by creating a comprehensive approach to learning so our students can reach their highest academic and personal potential. In addition, the resource center is to guide, engage and empower students in their quest for academic success. This includes peer tutoring, study groups, and academic coaching.

These services are free to all AB students. 

Goals and Objectives for the Academic Resource Center:

  • Provide and expand on programs for effective learning through a model that invites thoughtful and engaged participation
  • Collaborate with faculty to help drive teaching styles and methods, advise assistance, and help them respond more effectively to the individual learning needs of all our students.
  • Promote and encourage meaningful connections among and between students and faculty
  • Provide a supportive environment for studying, a place to foster growth and become a self-directed learner

Services For Students:

  • Peer Tutorial Services
  • Computer Lab
  • Individualized academic assistance
  • Assisting undecided students
  • Mentoring-support system working with Alumni
  • Student and Faculty Workshops
  • Academic Coaching
  • Study skill technique consult
  • Writing Lab

Career Serviceshelp students find their career path. We educate students and alums about career development and support students and them in their vocational exploration, identification, pursuit, and integration of personal and professional career goals.

Office Location: 3rd floor of Burbick, directly across from the elevator.

General Questions

[email protected]