Work Program

Students may earn up to $1,500 a year ($750 a semester) for work programs. This equates to 85.7 hours per semester or 6-7 hours a week. Work-Study Program awards will be made based on the information the student and/or parent provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the date the FAFSA was filed.

All paperwork (SEA, tax forms, ID requirements) must be received no later than the deadline of September 17, 2021, or Work-Study will be removed from the student’s financial aid for the fall semester. Reminder emails will be sent to the student’s Battler email account.

All students who have been awarded Work-Study, as part of their financial aid award for the 2021-22 academic year, will be eligible to work on or off-campus.

Here’s what you need to do to get started:

  1. Student Employment Handbook: Read the handbook – located on under Financial Aid. Reading the handbook is mandatory, as you will find the important information you need regarding work-study.
  2. Tax withholding Forms and Identification Documents: Complete the required federal and state forms. The packet of needed forms can be found on this page. Please email completed forms and Notarized Identification Documents to [email protected] or fax to 304-457-6391. We can only accept Notarized copies of ID. If needed, for your convenience, a Notary Public form is located on this page.
  3. Find a job: Please review the job book listings to see what positions are available on campus.  It is your responsibility to contact that supervisor regarding the availability of the job.  Once you have been hired, please have all SEA forms completed and returned to the Financial Aid Office.  You cannot begin working until you are notified you are in the time clock, which will occur once all completed tax forms, IDs, and SEAs are returned.
  4. Student Employment Authorization (SEA) Form: SEAs will be emailed to the student closer to the start of classes. SEA’s show a student has been awarded Work-Study. Do NOT complete your SEA until you have secured a job. Please follow instructions on the SEA! Incomplete SEA Forms will not be accepted! SEAs need to be returned to the Financial Aid Office—Burbick 2nd

When can I begin working?

You may begin working Wednesday, September 1, but only IF all of the above steps are fully completed, and you have been entered in the time clock. Your supervisor will be able to see your name in the Time Clock if you are cleared to begin working.

How do I know if I am in the time clock?

It’s simple; if you have completed all of the steps – you will be able to punch in to begin working. If you try to punch in and are not able to – DO NOT WORK – contact your supervisor as something is missing in your work-study packet, and you are not yet eligible. If you work before you are eligible to do so, you cannot get paid!

How do I get paid?

You will receive a paycheck that will be delivered to your campus mailbox on payday. The pay schedule is located on the right-hand side of this page. If you want your work-study to go toward your student bill instead of receiving a paycheck, you will need to sign a form in the Business Office on the 2nd floor of Burbick Hall.

You will not see Work-Study on a student’s bill until the student earns the money and applies it to their student account. If the student chooses to receive the money earned as a paycheck, their paycheck will be in their campus box on payday.