What is Verification?

The Department of Education chooses approximately 33% of all FAFSAs to be verified each year.  Verification is a process that requires submission of additional documents to my school’s Financial Aid Office (FAO) to support the information entered on my FAFSA.

How Will I Know if I Must Complete Verification?

My first notification will be when I submit your FAFSA, my Student Aid Report will tell me if I was selected for Verification. When the FAO receives my FAFSA, they will contact me regarding verification if I have been selected.  For returning students, FAO will notify students shortly after the awarding process.  For incoming students, FAO notifies students once the enrollment deposit to become a Battler has been paid. 

Why Was My FAFSA Chosen?

The main reasons for being selected for verification include:

  • I was chosen randomly
  • My FAFSA was incomplete
  • My FAFSA contains estimated information
  • Data I provided on my FAFSA is inconsistent

Verification is a federal regulation. Students who are selected for verification are not being punished; rather, verification prevents ineligible students from receiving aid by reporting false information and ensures that eligible students receive all of the aid for which they are qualified.

What Do I Do Now?

Complete the Verification Worksheet FAO sends to me.  Complete any additional steps outlined in the worksheet based on my answers.  These additional steps may include completing Data Retrieval Tool, providing Tax Transcripts, submitting W2s, etc.  I will need to read carefully to see what steps are required by me and my parent. MOST IMPORTANT – COMPLETE THESE STEPS IMMEDIATELY.

When Is The Deadline?

I need to complete Verification within 14 days of receiving notification from the FAO. 

How Does Completing Verification Timely Help Me?

  • Verification is a federal regulation and must be completed if I want to receive any financial aid
  • Knowing now if verification will change my financial aid package will give me more time to plan
  • If I received financial aid before being chosen for verification, I could be required to return those funds
  • My financial aid will be placed on hold until the process is completed
  • Delay in completing verification may cause late fees and interest due on my account
  • Delay in completing verification may cause inability to obtain a bookslip to charge books to my student account
  • Delay in completing verification may cause me to miss registering for classes for next semester
  • Delay in completing verification could result in loss of my financial aid

What Happens After I submit My Information To The FAO?

The FAO is required to verify the information on your FAFSA.  If there are differences between your FAFSA and your verification documents, AB must make corrections to your FAFSA electronically.  This may result in changes to your financial aid award.  After the verification process is complete, if any changes to your financial aid award are necessary, you will be notified with a revised award letter. 

How Long Does The Verification Process Take?

This really depends on how soon documents are submitted to the FAO.  Then, depending on the inconsistencies found and additional documentation that may be required, verification can take 2-6 weeks to complete.  DO NOT DELAY – GET STARTED AS SOON AS FAO NOTIFIES YOU OF VERIFICATION!