Feelings of loneliness, losing hope, lack of motivation, and being unable to enjoy things can silently devastate your goals, dreams, and happiness.  Sometimes, no one else even seems to even notice, making it feel even more true that these thoughts and feelings will never change. Or, others simply tell you to “snap out of it”, not understanding what you’re truly experiencing.

Take a screening here to see if what you’re dealing with is more than just simply a “down” phase:

Depression can affect anyone, and left untreated it can lead anywhere from not being able to keep up with responsibilities to extreme hopelessness and thoughts of suicide. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).

Working with a professional counselor is scientifically proven to help with depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.  If you feel depression may be an issue for you or a friend, and you would like to talk confidentially, please contact Chad Hostetler at [email protected] or at (304) 457-6320, or stop by at 225 Burbick Hall.

Depression can be improved so that it doesn’t take over your life, so make this your first step if it has been affecting you or someone you care about.

Other Local Agencies that work with Depression, Suicide, and more:

Barbour County Health Department (304) 457-1670

Women’s Aid in Crisis (304) 457-5020, (304) 636-8433

Appalachian Community Health Center (304) 636-3232

Additional Information on Depression and Suicide:






