• Most companies/organizations do background checks. If you have a record, it may prevent you from being hired.
  • Credit Checks – Some companies do credit checks to gauge liability/responsibility.
  • Example – FBI Disqualifiers:
    • Conviction of a felony
    • Use of illegal drugs in violation of the FBI Employment Drug Policy
    • Default of a student loan (insured by the U.S. Government)
    • Failure of an FBI-administered urinalysis drug test
    • Failure to register with the Selective Service System (for males only)

When corresponding via phone, remember to:

  • Be friendly
  • Be brief
  • Be prepared
  • Identify yourself
  • Listen carefully
  • Speak clearly
  • Use proper grammar

When corresponding via email, remember to:

  • Fill in the subject line appropriately.
  • Use proper grammar – no slang or abbreviations.
  • Send from a professional email address, not something like: [email protected]
  • Review the message for grammar & spelling before sending
  • Be aware of how social media can affect your hiring potential.
  • Social networking sites have gained popularity among hiring managers because of their convenience and a growing concern about hiring the right people.
  • Most people are not aware that the information that they put online can be factored into hiring decisions.
  • ALWAYS clean up your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites before applying for jobs. Remove any comments or pictures that others may find offensive.
  • It is also a good idea to google your name to see what pops up so that there are no surprises that could keep you from being hired for a job or internship.

Tips for Dressing for Success

  • Dress “up” not down – Even if you are not wearing a suit and tie or skirt and heels to work every day at the company you are interviewing with, definitely dress up and throw on a tie for the interview!
  • Wear minimal jewelry
  • Wear little or no perfume or cologne
  • Don’t wear anything too tight or revealing.
  • Go with dark colors like black, navy, or gray.
  • Wear closed-toed shoes
  • Make sure clothes are clean and ironed
  • Don’t wear anything too flashy.
  • Neatly trimmed hair/facial hair.
  • No white athletic socks, especially with black pants and shoes
  • Be conservative

A tip to preparing for the interview:

Try on your interview attire a few days before so that you feel more confident and positive in your appearance and choice of clothing. This will help to eliminate the focus on your clothes during your interview. Also, remember to:

  • Remove price tags
  • Iron everything!
  • Look at all angles in the mirror

How to Make a Positive First Impression

  • Be on time; early is even better!
  • Use a firm handshake
  • Establish and maintain eye contact
  • Display poised, confident body language
  • Turn off your cell phone or leave it in your car.
  • Bring copies of your resume to the interview.
  • Research the company before your interview so that you are knowledgeable about their mission, what they do, etc.