The Alderson Broaddus University Honors Program provides multidisciplinary learning, encouraging students to connect the focus of their major and career aspirations to one of our exciting course topics.

With an affinity towards pop culture topics, the AB Honors Program allows students to investigate real-world issues such as climate change, digital identity, or crime in the work world. Their studies allow them to analyze graphic novels, television shows, film, music, and other platforms of expression.

In addition to engaging field trips and guest speakers, the AB Honors program offers graduate school experience, hands-on student-led research, small class sizes, and lots of free discussions.

List of Past Courses:

Cyberpsychology                                              The Literature and Culture of Horror

Death: the last unknown frontier                 Leadership

Epic                                                                     Profit Without Honor

The Reformation 500 Years Later                Human-Animal Studies

Humans and the Environment                     Euripides in Translation

War and Popular Culture

To read posts from the students and faculty of the honors program, read the honors blog by clicking here.

101 College Hill Drive
Box 2158
Philippi, WV 26416
(304) 457.6498